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7 Tips for Travelling Solo

Published July 21, 2016 in Canada , Nova Scotia , PEI - 1 Comment
St Anns Lookout - Kelly's Mountain Cape Breton

7 Tips for Travelling Solo – by Jane Finn

On a recent trip to the East Coast, I found myself at loose ends while Dave attended a conference, so I hopped in the car and headed out on my own to explore PEI and then the Cabot Trail. Some people I met thought I was very ‘brave,’ I didn’t think so, and others said how much they wish they could do the same. Let me assure you that with a little planning and the right attitude; anyone can have a great time, travelling the road, solo.

Unplug and enjoy the solitude

Walk the beach, hike a trail, climb a lighthouse or stop at a lookout and take a picture. When you’re solo, you can appreciate the beauty of your surroundings and stay as long as it takes to feel relaxed and at peace with yourself.

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