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A Tale of Two Cities – Surrey & Victoria BC

Published April 4, 2023 in British Columbia , Canada - 1 Comment

A Tale of Two Cities

Jane heads to British Columbia in search of culinary delights from around the world on the Spice Trail, while being protected by a wolf at a sacred site

by Jane Finn, Photography by David Finn as published in the April 2023 Edition of Planet Golf Review Magazine

The snow-covered peaks loom large, piercing the sky before tapering off to meet the sea. As we descend into Vancouver, I have a bird’s eye view of the raw, rugged terrain and dancing lights below. Sandwiched between the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Ocean, British Columbia’s natural beauty is breathtaking and draws me back time and time again. Undoubtedly, this is one of the best places on the planet to hike, ski, canoe, or golf. Still, on this trip, I want to spend time exploring smaller cities and the diversity of culture, cuisine, history and entertainment that makes BC not only an outdoor enthusiast’s paradise but a world-class destination.

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